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Custom Page runtime has reached General Availability

We are happy to announce that Custom Page Runtime has reached General Availability in all regions for most of the functionality in the July public preview. With this milestone you are able to create better user experiences using integrated low-code pages within model-driven apps. Some specific or new capabilities will remain in public preview longer to allow them to evolve.

Capabilities reaching General Availability include runtime for custom pages, solutioning/ALM, all connectors, code components, controls listed here, and monitor. Some capabilities staying in public preview include authoring with the modern app designer and canvas designer, canvas components and mobile online players. Custom pages will have new capabilities added incrementally as public preview and these capabilities will move to general availability as they are ready. We will indicate the status of different capabilities at the beginning of Custom Page Overview in a table and also mark sections with “preview”.

Custom page authoring and runtime

Custom Pages are traditional Power Apps canvas apps that fit into this new application model. Since these custom pages are traditional Power Apps you can access external data via connectors.  In addition to native access to Dataverse, authors can access over 400 connectors including SharePoint, Microsoft SQL Server, and Excel. Note that cross-environment Dataverse references will be available very soon.

A custom page uses the layout containers to support responsiveness and zooming. The flexible containers use wrapping and scrolling to allow the page to fit within a narrow space. Learn more about responsive custom pages.

The custom page authoring experience added the ability for the modern app designer to monitor the async parts of the publish process and refresh the preview when it completes. This allows makers to continue editing while custom page publish finishes.

App Designer displays message while async publish is happening.

Additionally, the app designer now supports the ability to refresh the preview. If the custom page shows as a blank screen after the publish completes, refresh the preview to display. We are still working to improve the initial rendering in app designer or in the browser after a publish completes.

App Designer can refresh the preview.

Navigation from either a custom page or app action is improved with Power Fx Navigate function. Using this function, you will be able to open a specific model form and pass a new record with defaulted field values.

Coming soon to custom pages are capabilities to build global apps including support for retrieving localized strings, data formatting using the user or org locale settings, and Right-to-Left layout.

Custom pages now support the benefits of integrated low-code authoring within model-driven apps.  Learn more in the Custom Page Overview and check out Custom Page Known Issues for issues we are tracking.  This announcement is the next step in bringing together the best of model and canvas apps into a single Power Apps app.

We look forward to your continued feedback on using custom pages! Let us know your thoughts and suggestions within this community post Feedback on Custom Page.