1 min read

Model-driven apps offline for Makers (preview)

Do your users need to work on the go with spotty connectivity?

Today is your day! With model-driven apps offline for makers experience in preview, it is now easier than before to set up an app to work offline. People in your organization can work seamlessly without worrying about connectivity!

In this preview, you’ll now also be able to choose the offline mode for your mobile apps. The new offline-first mode is optimized to improve your device performance and it works better in low-network conditions than “classic offline” mode.

Offline setup from the app designer

You can now configure a mobile-offline profile for your model-driven app right in the maker portal. Previously, only admins were able to create an offline profile. Now, in just a few clicks, you, the maker, can enable offline for your mobile users, and you no longer need to manage a separate user access list just for offline support. When you configure offline in the app designer, all users who have access to your app will be able to work offline.


Enable offline

If you pick “New profile with current app data”, you will be able to quickly create a new offline profile based on the data configured in your app without leaving the app designer.

Offline first

With the new mobile “offline first” experience enabled for your model-driven apps, your users will see better device performance, a more responsive app, and lower battery usage as apps make fewer connections to the server.

With “Offline first”, data presented in your app is consistent regardless of the network connectivity. There is no toggle anymore for users to switch from offline to online mode, so users will not forget to sync their changes back to the server. The app will do it automatically. (learn more about the difference between “offline first” and “classic offline”)

offline first

We are looking forward to your feedback

Your feedback will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. Share your feedback in comments or on our Power Apps community forum post.

You can also reach me by filling out this form and I’ll get back to you right away.

For more details, see the documentation.