1 min read

Power Pages sites now in Bootstrap version 5.2.2 (preview)

We are excited to announce upgraded support for Bootstrap version 5.2.2 with Power Pages sites for using the latest CSS styling framework.

Bootstrap version 5.2.2 (v5) provides enhanced UX functionalities and out-of-the-box components like accordion, off canvas, RTL support etc., and supports flex architecture, CSS functions and variables, bigger container size, and class prefixes which are not present in Bootstrap version 3.3.6 (v3). Bootstrap v5 is more responsive, supports new controls, and provides greater focus on accessibility.

You can create Bootstrap v5 based Power Pages sites for a variety of templates, including Blank template, starter layout templates, and a variety of solutions templates. Check out the documentation for details.

Additionally, you can upgrade your existing site running on Bootstrap v3 — regardless of template to v5 using a new PAC CLI based migration tool provided by Power Pages. The styling framework for Power Pages is currently provided via Bootstrap version v3 framework.

This tool automatically converts your all the HTML, CSS and JavaScript files which are part of the website record to Bootstrap v5 and provides the ability to report the changes and modify the code per the recommendations. Please note that the tool addresses only the breaking changes (in classes, controls, utilities) that were introduced in Bootstrap version 4 and version 5. Based on your custom implementation, you may see issues with how all the components interact on a page and you may have to resolve those. Check out our documentation for detailed steps.

We are looking forward to your feedback, which will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!
For details, see the documentation.