2 min read

Engage your maker community with the new Power Platform communication site template

Organizations that adopt Microsoft Power Platform and build an internal community often have the following key objectives:

  • Inspire makers by showcasing success stories of what has been achieved with Power Platform
  • Share how Power Platform fits with the digital transformation strategy of your organization
  • Connect makers to form a thriving community that can help each other, collaborate on ideas, and discover new ways to apply technology to achieve more
  • Enable makers to successfully build impactful solutions within the requisite guardrails established by governance guidelines and policies

A central and searchable Power Platform communication site to share rules of engagement and processes with your maker community can be a significant help for users trying to get things done. This should be a one-stop shop for makers to find out everything they need about getting started with Microsoft Power Platform.

Today, we are excited to provide you with a template for creating a central Power Platform communication site. The Power Platform communication site template is a SharePoint site that provides you with a starting point of content and page templates. This communication site is the place where your Power Platform community can find the news and resources they need, including digital governance and compliance guardrails, upcoming events, success stories and more.

Homepage of the Power Platform communication site

Several organizations have established thriving centers of excellence to empower makers and drive successful adoption of Microsoft Power Platform at scale. Some examples include H&M, Arm, Lumen, and Zurich Insurance. While all these organizations created customized internal communications sites to share information and connect their internal community, the Power Platform communication site template described in this article provides a quick turnkey solution for organizations to setup similar communication channels with minimal effort.

Get started

Our documentation explains how to download and deploy the Power Platform communication site template and how to configure it for your organization.

The steps in the documentation will guide you through deploying the Power Platform communication site template and adding it to the Governance error message, so that users will be able to find your internal communication site more easily.


If you encounter issues with the Power Platform communication site, have questions, or would like to raise feature asks, please report them here: https://aka.ms/ppcst-issues.

Power Platform Adoption

Are you looking for more content to accelerate your Microsoft Power Platform adoption to solve business problems and increase productivity across your organization? Check out the Power Platform content on adoption.microsoft.com – your one place to find a collection of content relevant to your adoption journey. It helps you get started, engage your org, train your org, find your champions, and govern your environments.