Update: Release of Modern Learn page in Power Apps!

Today we are pleased to announce the release of the modern Learn page in Power Apps! The new Learn experience has consolidated content from all Microsoft resources to help with your onboarding and upskilling journey.

graphical user interface, website

The Overview tab of the new Learn page includes a dynamic banner at the top – to help keep you updated with the latest announcements, trending posts, and upcoming events!

This new experience also includes:

  • Courses – giving our makers visibility into all Power Apps learning paths and courses
graphical user interface, application, website
  • Articles – stay up to date with our Power Apps blogs and customer success stories
graphical user interface, website
  • Community – discover all Power Apps user groups, networking events and community topics!
graphical user interface, email, website
  • Support – easy access to all Help and Support resources

Check it out at https://make.powerapps.com/learn! We look forward to your feedback on this new update.