3 min read

Power Pages Maker Copilot is now generally available

Power Pages Maker Copilot enables you to design and build a complete site composed of sitemap, home page, pages, sections, forms, images, theming and text with natural language instructions. Copilot offers a variety of choices, steering you through them while ensuring you remain in control!

At Build 2023, we unveiled Maker Copilot in our public preview version and since then, we have improved our features, and our focus continues to be on delivering generative AI features geared towards bringing your ideas to life on your site! 
Today, we are thrilled to announce the general availability of AI features in the design studio. The Maker Copilot is accessible worldwide. Canada will be available with French localization in June. This includes the following features:  

  1. Create an AI generated site using Copilot
  2. Create an AI generated webpage using Copilot
  3. Create an AI generated theme using Copilot
  4. Ask Copilot questions
  5. Add AI generated text using Copilot
  6. Add an AI generated Form using Copilot

Further guidance on admin settings can be found here. 

Create an AI generated site using Copilot

With Copilot for site creation, you can create Power Pages sites with the help of AI. Describe the site that you want to create, and AI designs it for you. Use natural language processing to help you build your site by describing the type of site, intended users of the site, and type of information you want the site to process.

Create site using Copilot

Create an AI generated webpage using Copilot

You can create a new webpage for your site by describing the type of webpage. Copilot generates the HTML for the page with relevant text copy and images from the description. The page is added to the main navigation of the site and can be refined and edited using Copilot and the WYSIWYG editor.

Create webpage

Create an AI generated theme using Copilot

Copilot for theme allows you to create a theme for your brand from the design studio. After generating the theme using Copilot, you can customize the theme further in the Styling workspace.

Create theme with Copilot

Ask Copilot questions

We’ve heard from our users that the presence of a Learning Copilot would accelerate their website building experience and help clear blockers in workflows. As a result, the Ask Copilot feature was launched. You can get started by asking Copilot for help with questions that you usually search for in the documentation. Example questions you could ask would include:

  • How do I add more colors to my style themes?
  • How do I bring my own data to my site?
  • What are custom solutions?

Remember that you can only ask questions about building your website in Power Pages. If you’re unable to get a response, try to ask again by rephrasing your question using smaller sentences. If you’re still unsuccessful, you can always find help in the Microsoft Power Pages documentation .

AI generated ask

Add AI generated text using Copilot

An easy way to add text to your Power Pages website is to ask Copilot to create it for you. Simply describe the text you need. Copilot generates copy based on your description and offers a preview for you to check. You can Add AI-generated text using Copilot | Microsoft Learn  to your site as it is, edit it first, or start over with a different description.

AI generated text

Add an AI generated form using Copilot

An easy way to add a form to your Power Pages website is to ask Copilot to create one for you. Simply describe the form you need. Copilot builds a form based on your description and offers a preview for you to check. You can add an AI-generated form to your site as it is, edit it first, or start over with a different description.
AI generated form


We are looking forward to your feedback, which will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of these features. We want to hear from you!

For more details, refer to the Overview of AI-powered and Copilot features in Power Pages | Microsoft Learn.
Think it. Describe it. And let Power Pages build it for you!