Cards for Power Apps – Power Automate Connector is Generally Available

Cards for Power Apps (generally available since March 2023) are micro-apps with enterprise data and workflows and interactive, lightweight UI elements that other applications like Teams can use as content.

Today, we are announcing General Availability of Power Automate Connector for cards for Power Apps that allows makers to post cards in Teams chat or channel or send it to a specific Teams user via a flow.

Easily create your card flow from card’s Play page

With this update, makers can jump-start card’s flow creation in the Studio. Use Send from a flow option on the card’s Play page to launch a Power Automate flow template for sending cards in Teams. Next, modify and save this template as a new flow to post your card in Teams chat or channel or send it to a specific Teams user.

graphical user interface, application

Create a card instance in a flow using Cards for Power Apps Connector

In the flow, makers can use cards for Power Apps Connector to create a card instance to share in Teams from Power Automate.

  • Create card instance – Enables the user to select a specific card to create an instance of with customizable input variables. Returns the card instance as Card dynamic content.
graphical user interface, text, application, email

Post a card for Power Apps to Teams chat or channel

The Create card instance action in cards for Power Apps Connector produces Card dynamic content. This Card content can be used to share a card for Power Apps to a Teams chat or channel.

graphical user interface, text, application, email

Send a card for Power Apps to a specific Teams user

Alternatively, you can post a card for Power Apps to a Teams user.

graphical user interface, text, application, email

Learn more

Learn more about cards for Power Apps capabilities in Cards for Power Apps overview – Power Apps and Card designer overview – Power Apps!

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