Power Apps portals simplified themes in portals studio (public preview)

This feature provides simplified themes in portals Studio. Portal makers can use themes for common website properties using a simple and easy configuration experience.

Preview  capabilities

In public preview the feature provides following capabilities

  • Enable basic theme
  • Change to preset theme
  • Create new theme
  • Copy preset theme

How to get started?

Enable basic theme

You can enable basic theme by selecting Themes from left component pane and then toggle Enable basic theme option.

Change to preset theme

Once you enable the basic theme, you’ll see a list of available themes in portal. You can apply these theme to your portal by selecting these theme from the panel.

Create new theme

To create new theme

  • Select Themes  from left component pane
  • Select New Theme button

Copy preset theme

To copy preset theme

  • Select Themes from left component pane
  • Select the theme from presets that you want to copy, select  (ellipsis) and then select Customize
  • You can update the theme properties from properties panel. If your color choice doesn’t pass the accessibility color contrast guideline then we show warning message.

We are looking forward to your feedback as we march towards GA

Go ahead and try this feature from make.preview.powerapps.com. In case you are not aware about preview program, then “What is PowerApps Preview Program?” is the best place to start.

Your feedback will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!

See documentation here for detailed overview and instructions on each provider.

Thank you,

Neeraj Nandwana