Deliver your content faster with availability of Content Delivery Network integration with Microsoft Power Pages

The performance of websites created using Power Pages with global reach can be impacted by the proximity of the consumer from the website host. To provide a better and more consistent experience, we are introducing the capability (currently in preview) to enable Content Delivery Network (CDN) with your Power Pages site with just a switch and without having to do any extensive configuration.


A CDN has several distribution points and delivers static content to consumers faster due to proximity and optimized connections. Once enabled, Power Pages will store the static contents of your website like images, style sheets, and script files on CDN servers and will serve them to the website users from their nearest location.
Note: To disallow unauthorized access to secure content, files that are secured via permissions on web pages will not be delivered from CDN servers.

Enable Content Delivery Network

Power Pages administrators can enable CDN for websites from the Power Platform admin center with a toggle.

graphical user interface, text

The road ahead

As we march towards general availability, Administrators will be able to:

  • Enable CDN for websites configured with custom domain names
  • Enable CDN at a tenant level
  • Provide Web Application Firewall (WAF) support for CDN enabled portals

Note: The CDN feature is only available for production instances of Power Pages and Power Apps portals. For more information, see our documentation here

We are looking forward to your feedback

Your feedback will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!