Neeraj Nandwana articles

Neeraj Nandwana
2 min read

Introducing Copresence in Power Pages Visual Studio Code for the Web 

As a Pro-developer, you know that collaboration is key to building successful solutions. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale application, having visibility into who’s working alongside you can enhance productivity and streamline communication. That’s where Copresence comes in!
3 min read

Migrate Standard Data Model Sites to Enhanced Data Model (Preview) 

We are excited to announce that the Power Pages CLI now supports the pac powerpages migrate-datamodel command, currently in preview. This new feature facilitates the migration of your existing standard data model site to an enhanced data model.
2 min read

Edit complete site code using Visual Studio Code for web 

In October 2022, we launched Power Pages code editing in Visual Studio Code for web feature, which introduced a free, zero-install Visual Studio Code experience for Power Pages code editing in your browser.
1 min read

Power Pages code editing improvements with Visual Studio Code 

Visual Studio Code Power Platform Tools extension allows code-first professional developers to configure and customize any Power Pages site within Visual Studio Code. With the recent release (version v1.1.20), we are improving IntelliSense support and adding support for create, delete, and rename operations for Power Pages site components.
1 min read

Improving Power Pages admin experience 

We are excited to announce improvements to the Power Pages admin experience in the Power Platform admin center. The Power Platform admin center is a unified portal administrators can use to manage environments and settings.  With this feature, we are expanding Power Pages’ admin functionality.
1 min read

Edit Power Pages code with Visual Studio Code for web 

Visual Studio Code for the Web provides a free, zero-install Microsoft Visual Studio Code experience running entirely in your browser. With this feature, we will be enabling you to make lightweight code changes quickly and safely to Power Pages code.