Announcing General Availability (GA) of Power Apps portals Web API support

We are excited to announce the General Availability (GA) of Power Apps portals Web API support with portal version 9.3.3.x that was introduced in August 2020 release as a preview feature.

Feature capabilities

This feature provides the following capabilities:

Web APIs will be disabled by default for the entities and users have to enable it for each entity using site settings. If you’re trying to perform action on multiple entities in single call, then please make sure all of these entities and respective fields are enabled.

You can try-out step by step example to understand this feature.

What is Portal Web API for? And not for?

The portals Web API is built for creating a rich user experience inside portal pages. It isn’t optimized for third-party services or application integration. It is recommended to use Microsoft Dataverse OData Web API for third-party services or application integration use cases.


Portals Web API operations are limited to entities related to data—for example, accounts, contacts, or your custom entities. Configuring entity metadata or portal configuration entity data—for example, configuring portals entities such as adx_contentsnippet, adx_entityform, or adx_entitylist—isn’t supported with the portals Web API.


Portals Web API operations require Power Apps portals license. For example, Web API calls made by anonymous users are counted towards page view capacity. Web API calls made by authenticated users (internal or external) are not counted towards page views, but require applicable licenses. More information: Power Apps portals licensing FAQs


See documentation here for detailed overview.


Thank you,
Neeraj Nandwana