Copilot now powers deployment notes for pipelines in Power Platform

Now announcing the Public Preview of Copilot-generated deployment notes for pipelines in Power Platform. Copilot comes to the pipelines deployment experience to help makers generate useful solution descriptions with AI, saving valuable time and providing accurate information in seconds.

Solutions can get very complicated very quickly, many times containing dozens of components that would be tedious to summarize and list out. As a maker deploying a solution through a pipeline, that summarization could be critical in providing your admin the context necessary to approve your deployment. Instead of spending minutes describing your solution, why not get Copilot to do it for you instantly?

graphical user interface, application

Using the summarization powers of AI, Copilot will now provide makers a solution overview that includes a brief solution description as well as an overview of the components it contains. The more descriptive you make your solution components’ (e.g., Canvas Apps’) name and description, the more information this solution overview can provide.

This Public Preview feature is currently limited to U.S. environments and pipelines, but we are planning to expand the capabilities of Copilot across geographic regions with support for different languages. Eventually, we will be updating this feature to include a summary of version differences between deployments, keeping this solution overview structure for first deployments in a pipeline. This is also foundational for the future of solution descriptions in Managed Environments, making it easier than ever to manage solutions, so be sure to keep an eye out for that in the coming months!

Copilot is empowering Power Platform makers and admins to be exponentially more efficient, and simultaneously making ALM easier than ever before. Try it today when deploying using pipelines.

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