January 2024 updates for modernization and theming in Power Apps

Note: This blog is in continuation of the series of modern controls coming to canvas apps. We provided updates for November and December in the 2023 recap of modern controls. 

Modern controls updates in canvas apps

We continued enhancing modern controls and theming and delivered some key enhancements, which are rolling out to our customers at the time of publish. Below are the updates made to controls and theming in the last month: 

  1. Date picker – We fixed issues around different date formats. Makers can now also set a minimum and maximum dates instead of just setting minimum and maximum years. 
    Date formats

  2. Table control Users can now easily sort the data in the Table by using dropdowns from the column headers for supported data types. You can enable it using “EnableSorting” property.
    Sort values in table control

  3. Base palette color – A new visualization for picking color palettes has been added to reinforce to makers that they are picking a set of colors to be applied to the control holistically, and not a single color.
    Updated flyout for color picker on base palette color property

Upcoming enhancements to modern controls and theming: 

We are currently working on a few exciting updates that will be released in next few weeks: 

  • New controls
    1. Number input Makers can add a number input control that can be used to type in or use the arrows to select a number value. They can also configure decimal precision and step values for this control.

      Number input control
    2. Icon control Makers will be able to add standalone icons. Makers will also be able to add an icon on the button. Makers will be able to change the icon style to outline or filled. Makers are also able to customize the color of the icons.   
      Fluent icons in different color
    3. Stream control – Stream (on SharePoint) is an intelligent video experience that empowers you to record, upload, discover, share, and manage video just as you would any other file. Power Apps will soon publish a control for makers to configure a stream video to play in Power Apps. This is also the replacement of control for Stream (Classic) as the classic stream service is on path to deprecation in April.
  • Updates on the Table control: We will soon be exposing an OnSelect event for the Table that will trigger when a row is selected. In addition, we are working on allowing makers to make customizations at the column level, including the width and header text of individual columns.
  • Collapsible sections in the properties pane: We are making improvements to the properties pane for modern controls to re-organize properties into collapsible sections. This will make app building easier for makers since there will be more consistency in the location of properties across modern controls and makers can collapse sections of properties, they are not interested in.
    Collapsible properties
  • Simple in-app custom theming: We are working on the first iteration of custom theming, which will allow a maker to pick a seed color and font for a custom theme.
Thank you to our community and makers for continuing to provide us feedback!! This feedback is incredibly valuable and helpful in guiding improvements to modern controls and theming capabilities.