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Power Apps portals: Configure Azure AD B2C provider for portals in a new way (Preview)


In our endeavor to simplify identity provider setup with portals and on the heels of the general availability of  Power Apps portals simplified identity provider configuration, we are happy to announce yet another capability in this area.

A unique preview experience is available now to setup Azure AD B2C with portals using a wizard for a quick and complete configuration directly from the Power Apps portals authentication settings.

Preview capabilities

In public preview, the feature provides following capabilities

  • Available from make.preview.powerapps.com when you choose to add Azure Active Directory login provider
  • Select existing Azure AD B2C tenant or even create a new one  if you have the appropriate permissions in Azure

  • Register your portal as an application (new or existing) with the selected tenant

  • Configure Sign-up & sign-in and Password reset user flows (new or existing)

To learn more and try this new experience

See Configure the Azure Active Directory B2C provider (Preview)