Power Apps portals simplified Power BI integration using “Power BI” component

Embedding the Power BI in portal using liquid tag is quite cumbersome work, as maker has to get require data from Power BI and pass these values to appropriate parameter in liquid code.

With this feature, we aim at enabling Power BI Embedded as a first-class component in portal designer experience similar to Forms and Lists. Makers can add the required Power BI reports or dashboards in the portal by using the portal designer property panel, without worrying about the liquid code.

How to get started?

You can add Power BI Report/Dashboard from the component pane by selecting the “Power BI” component.

Once you have added the “Power BI” component to the page, you can select the required Power BI dashboard or report from the property panel.

Add Dashboard/Tile

Select “Type” as “Dashboard” to see available dashboards in selected workspace.

You can show only an specific tile from the selected dashboard using “Tile” field.

Add Report

Select “Type” as “Report” to see available reports in selected workspace.

Configure Advance options

Apply Filter

Advance options allow you to apply filtering. Filter parameter must be without ?filter= prefix. For example, Table/Field eq ‘value’. For more information, go to filter parameter details.

Apply Roles

If you have defined roles in Power BI and assigned them to the reports, you must enter appropriate roles in this field.

You can enter multiple roles separated by a comma (for example, role_1,role_2). For more information on defining roles in Power BI, go to Row-level security (RLS) with Power BI.

We’re looking forward to your feedback

Your feedback will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!

See documentation here for detailed overview and instructions.


Thank you,

Neeraj Nandwana