New WinAutomation action in UI flows is now available

Last month we announced the acquisition of Softomotive, a world-leading provider of robotic process automation (RPA) with over 15 years of experience and the creator of WinAutomation.

Today we are happy to announce the availability of the very first WinAutomation connector inside UI flows. This is one step forward to bring Softmotive’s desktop automation together with the existing Microsoft Power Automate capabilities.

new WinAutomation connector

new WinAutomation connector

This new connector will allow you to:

  1. Execute a WinAutomation Process through Power Automate
  2. Pass in dynamic values from other Power Automation API actions that run in the cloud
  3. View run results from cloud portal, etc.
  4. Leverage existing UI flows Gateway connections
  5. Leverage existing experience of running UI flows in both attended and unattended modes.

For how to get started, please see the documentation here.

As next steps, we are working on bringing more improvements to you as fast we can towards a deeper and more seamlessly integration experience. Those will include, but not limit to, storing WinAutomation Process scripts to the cloud, a better setup experience, accessibility as well as localization supports etc.  A lot of exciting capabilities are on the way. Please stay tuned!