We want to tell your story!

Whats up Flow Fans!?

I want to reach out to all of you today, Flow of the week day, with something a bit different!

Instead of us showing you a Flow, why don’t YOU show us yours?!

What do i mean by that? I am so glad you asked!

We on the Flow team want to help share your story of how your company has used Microsoft Flow to solve problems, automate common work, gain efficiency, and most importantly… Work Less while doing more!

So, the next logical question is, how do you participate?!


First, Fill out THIS FORM  << 


Next, Wait up to 3 weeks for our response.

Finally,  anywhere from 3-10 Stories will be selected to be turned into formal case studies. You will receive an email either way letting you know if you have been selected or not.

And that’s it! Just like that you can share your successes on the big stage of the Microsoft Flow blog, Social and the Customers.Microsoft.com page!

Cant wait to read all of your submissions!

If you have any questions, please contact me at Jolevesq@microsoft.com or contact your Community Manager Gabriel at v-gaholl@microsoft.com

Later Flow Fans!

– Jon