Improving Power Pages admin experience

We are excited to announce improvements to the Power Pages admin experience in the Power Platform admin center.

The Power Platform admin center is a unified portal administrators can use to manage environments and settings.  With this feature, we are expanding Power Pages’ admin functionality.


We are adding a dashboard view to the Power Platform admin center in the Power Pages section including:

  • Site overview and actions of all Power Pages admin features in a single view
  • Easy to locate related functionality with related functions grouped together and displayed in card format
  • Power Pages site actions easily accessible via the top command bar
graphical user interface, application

We will continue making improvements to this experience to simplify the user experience.

How to navigate to the previous admin center experience

If you want to navigate to the previous admin center, use the top toolbar option “Switch To Classic.”

graphical user interface

We are looking forward to your feedback

Your feedback will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!

See documentation here for a detailed overview.

Thank you,

Neeraj Nandwana