Introducing the new security workspace in Power Pages design studio that puts site security to the forefront

Power Pages offers a secure platform and necessary tools for creating external facing business websites. Now we are improving the platform’s security further to empower users to protect their sites.

We are thrilled to introduce the new security workspace as part of the Power Pages design studio. This centralized Security workspace will empower users to monitor, protect, and manage their site security with a high level of confidence.

The new workspace lets users set web roles, pages, table permissions, site visibility and manage authentication all in one workspace. While these controls existed earlier, based on feedback, we are now, bringing these  all in one place, making the site configuration process faster and better. This shows our commitment to improving user experience by putting powerful controls for authentication, authorization, and advanced security settings (preview) and more in one place.

We are also introducing built-in security scanning (preview) features that will enable users to detect and reduce potential security threats by running mock attacks, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and the use of vulnerable libraries. It also offers suggestions for fixing these risks effectively.

Also, Web Application Firewall (WAF) for Power Pages is now generally available and has an improved set of features. It lets users create their own rules to protect their sites as they need, such as rate-limiting requests, applying geo restrictions and IP restrictions. Users can now download WAF logs to review and understand how to make their web applications more secure.

These features highlight that Power Pages prioritizes giving users clarity and control over their digital assets while ensuring their safety.

We are looking forward to your feedback, which will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!

For details, see the documentation.