Power Pages Recommendations is now available in Power Advisor

We are excited to announce the availability of Power Pages recommendations in Power Advisor. This feature empowers service administrators managing Pages websites across multiple environments to gain insights into their health, security, and performance.

Addressing Key Challenges

Managing Pages websites across multiple environments can get tedious as the number of environments and sites scales up. A list of comprehensive insights in one place makes it easier for the admins to seamlessly maintain website functionality and security.

Introducing Power Pages Recommendations

Power Advisor now includes tailored recommendations for Power Pages websites, providing a holistic view of all resources (apps, flows, and sites) and enabling proactive management.

Key Recommendations

1. Websites Expiring in the Next 7 Days: Lists trial websites expiring soon. Review and convert these websites to production as needed.

2. Websites Without Traffic in the Last 30 Days: Identifies websites with no visitors in the past month, indicating they may be outdated or redundant. Admins can review these sites and shut them down if not needed.

3. Websites Without CDN Enabled: Lists production websites without Content Delivery Network (CDN) enabled. Review and enable CDN where needed.

4. Websites Without WAF Enabled: Lists production websites without Web Application Firewall (WAF) enabled. Review and enable WAF where needed.

For more details, you can refer to our documentation @ https://aka.ms/PowerAdvisorDocs.

graphical user interface, application
Power pages recommendations in Power Advisor

Getting Started

To benefit from these recommendations, log into your Power Platform Admin Center and navigate to Power Advisor. Review the insights and implement the suggested actions to maintain and improve your websites. You can bookmark the link https://aka.ms/PowerAdvisor, to access the Power Platform Advisor.

And as always, we are looking forward to hearing your feedback and are really excited to see more people join us on this Power Pages journey!

Happy managing!