Power Pages Security and Analytics dashboards for admins (Preview)

We are excited to announce the all-new security and analytics dashboards for Power Pages admins!

As a Power Pages admin, you can now access these dashboards from the Power Platform Admin Center.

Security View: This dashboard gives you the security status of all the websites in your tenant. You also get key security insights such as – sites with Web Application Firewall disabled, sites with anonymous access, authentication providers used, etc. Learn more.

graphical user interface, application, Teams

Analytics View: This dashboard allows you to monitor the traffic to the websites in your tenant. You can view traffic to your websites like Daily, Weekly and Monthly Active Users (DAU, WAU and MAU) along with the split between anonymous users and authenticated users. Learn More.

graphical user interface, application, Teams

Check these dashboards today by visiting Power Platform Admin Center –> Resources –> Power Pages (https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/resources/portals)

And as always, we are looking forward to hearing your feedback and are really excited to see more people join us on this Power Pages journey!