Octopus: In-Network Content Adaptation to Control Congestion on 5G Links

ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) |

It is challenging to meet the bandwidth and latency requirements of interactive real-time applications (e.g., virtual reality, cloud gaming, etc.) on time-varying 5G cellular links. Today’s feedback-based congestion controllers try to match the sending rate at the endhost with the estimated network capacity. However, such controllers can-not precisely estimate the cellular link capacity that changes at timescales smaller than the feedback delay. We instead propose a different approach for controlling congestion on 5G links. We send real-time data streams using an imprecise controller (that errs on the side of overestimating network capacity) to ensure high through-put, and then adapt the transmitted content by dropping appropriate packets in the cellular base stations to match the actual capacity and minimize delay. We build a system called Octopus to realize this approach. Octopus provides parameterized primitives that applications at the endhost can configure differently to express different content adaptation policies. Octopus transport encodes the corresponding app-specified parameters in packet header fields, which the base-station logic can parse to execute the desired dropping behavior. Our evaluation shows how real-time applications involving standard and volumetric videos can be designed to exploit Octopus, and achieve 1.5–18x better performance than state-of-the-art schemes.