Automated Directory Assistance System – from Theory to Practice

  • Dong Yu ,
  • Y. C. Ju ,
  • Ye-Yi Wang ,
  • Geoffrey Zweig ,
  • Alex Acero

Proc. of Interspeech |

Published by International Speech Communication Association

The automated directory assistance system (ADAS) is traditionally formulated as an automatic speech recognition (ASR) problem. Recently, it has been formulated as a voice search problem, where a spoken utterance is firstly converted into text, which in turn is used to search for the listing. In this paper, we focus on the design and development of the utterance-to-listing component of ADAS. We show that many theoretical and practical issues need to be resolved when applying the basic idea of voice search to the development of ADAS. We share our experiences in addressing these issues, especially in pre-processing the listing database, generating a high performance LM, and developing efficient, accurate, and robust search algorithms. Field tests of our prototype system indicate that an 81% task completion rate can be achieved.