
Established: October 7, 2008

Nimbus application from the Cambridge Innovation Development team

Nimbus: Secure Peer Accelerated Downloads

Millions of people download files over the internet every day, and servers can’t always keep up with the demand. See how Nimbus provides a solution to this growing problem.

About Nimbus

Secure peer accelerated downloads distribute authorized files to more people more quickly than any server can alone. Based on Network Coding research (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research (opens in new tab)’s secure peer accelerated downloads use proven security technologies like TLS (opens in new tab) and digital certificates (opens in new tab) in innovative ways, protecting clients and publishers alike. We also use the latest networking technologies like Teredo (opens in new tab) and IPv6 (opens in new tab) to help computers communicate with each other in situations they otherwise could not. Secure Peer Accelerated Downloads with network coding – embodied in the Microsoft Secure Content Downloader – were recently used to distribute Visual Studio 2008 Beta-2 to customers (opens in new tab).


Portrait of Christos Gkantsidis

Christos Gkantsidis

Principal Researcher

Portrait of Chris O'Prey

Chris O'Prey

Senior Software Development Engineering Lead