Discursis: A Computational Methodology for the Analysis of Communication Data

Discursis is a new communication analytic technology that allows an analyst to visually examine and assess text based communication data. Discursis can be used to analyse conversations, web forums, social media, training scenarios, and many other individual and multi-party communication situations. Discursis automatically processes transcribed text to build a statistically grounded language model, and uses this language model to highlight participant interactions around specific topics over the time-course of the communication. Discursis can assist analysts in understanding the structure, information content, and inter-speaker relationships that are present within input data. In addition to rich descriptive visual outputs, Discursis also provides quantitative measures of key metrics, such as topic introduction; topic consistency; and topic novelty. In this talk I will showcase recent findings from the application of Discursis to a variety of datasets, including doctor/patient consultations, television broadcast interviews, audience panel discussion programs, and conversations with persons with language impairments.

Speaker Details

Dr Daniel Angus is a Lecturer with The University of Queensland in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering and School of Journalism and Communication. His teaching and research is focused on information visualisation, text analytics, and computational social science. From 2008 to 2011 he was a member of the ARC Special Initiative, Thinking Systems. This project involved researchers from many different disciplines such as Biology, Neuroscience, Psychology and Computer Science. Dr Angus’ role within the project was to explore how conceptual information is processed and stored by mammals and use any insights gained for the development of conceptual mapping tools. An outcome of this research was the Discursis text analytic tool which is a useful way to visualise and obtain metrics from conversation transcripts.

Daniel Angus
The University of Queensland
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running