Women in Machine Learning: New York

Location: New York City, NY

This event is open to all members of the Women in Machine Learning: New York mailing list.


Brown-Bag Lunch

This once-a-month, brown-bag (i.e., bring your own) lunch is open to all members of the WiML NYC mailing list. The lunch is intended to give female faculty, research scientists, and graduate students in the New York area machine learning community an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in machine learning research are encouraged to attend.

Our brown-bag lunch is usually held 12pm-1pm on the second Friday of the month. However, please sign up to the mailing list for updates since the time, date, and occasionally location may change from one month to the next.

Mailing List

To join the WiML NYC mailing list, please send us (opens in new tab) a blank email and complete the questionnaire you are sent in return. We will deny all requests with no information to prevent spammers from joining.

If you have questions about either the mailing list or the lunch, please contact us (opens in new tab).

WiML Workshop

This event is an off-shoot of the annual Women in Machine Learning Workshop (opens in new tab).