Computer Science Education Week Spotlights the Needs in U.S. Schools


Computer Science Education Week -

As computer-science researchers, we at Microsoft Research are committed to strong computer-science education programs. With more than 800 researchers worldwide, we know firsthand the value of a solid computer-science education, which is why Microsoft Research is a proud supporter of the second annual Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) (opens in new tab), celebrated this year from December 5-11 in the United States.

This week’s focus on computer-science education couldn’t be timelier. The recent report from the Association for Computing Machinery, Running on Empty (opens in new tab), reveals that the state of computer-science education in the United States is alarming. Only nine states count computer-science courses as a core academic subject in high-school graduation requirements. Meanwhile, there will be a projected 1.4 million new computing jobs by 2018, so we need more states to see the light and join in producing qualified students.

Spotlight: Event

Inclusive Digital Maker Futures for Children via Physical Computing

This workshop will bring together researchers and educators to imagine a future of low-cost, widely available digital making for children, both within the STEAM classroom and beyond.

Making matters worse, funding cuts in local school districts have hit computer-science programs heavily. Statistics show that in many school districts, teachers who can teach computer science are being reassigned to mathematics or science classes. How can we as a nation afford to cut corners on this vital component of a 21st-century education?

CSEdWeek is a call to action. It’s a rallying point for teachers, parents, and schools at all levels—from K-12 through college—to focus attention on this problem and to build more robust computer-science education programs throughout the United States. Corporations, too, must make their voices heard in support of policies and programs that advance the state of computer-science education. I’m proud that Microsoft is a supporter of CSEdWeek and a strong advocate of computer-science education.

At Microsoft Research, we have a number of tools designed for high-school students, showing them how scientific computing can be part of their daily lives—and fun, as well. Two of these are showcased on our associated website (opens in new tab):

I encourage you to give them a try!

Recently, Chris Stephenson (opens in new tab), executive director of the Computer Science Teachers Association (opens in new tab), made a telling statement: “Effective computer-science education means far more than learning how to use a computer. It is about computational thinking: problem decomposition, data analysis, and solution design, all of which can be incorporated across disciplines and benefit students with interests outside of computer science. But we know that until we eliminate the roadblocks to quality computer-science education, we are denying access to important skills and future opportunities.”

Echoing the same sentiments, Rick Rashid (opens in new tab), senior vice president of Microsoft Research, said: “Today, more than ever, we need to empower students with the enthusiasm and creative problem-solving skills needed to address some of the world’s greatest challenges, from improving healthcare to reducing our impact on the environment.”

Do you want to do more to advance computer-science education? You can explore CSEdWeek resources (opens in new tab), including tools; suggestions for celebrations, reports, and statistics lesson plans; and event listings across the United States and Canada. You also can sign this pledge (opens in new tab) in support of CSEdWeek. And please don’t confine your activism to this week. Boosting the state of computer-science education in the United States is a 24/7/52 matter!

—Judith Bishop, Director of Computer Science for the External Research division of Microsoft Research