Cross-media Event Extraction and Recommendation

  • Di Lu ,
  • Clare R. Voss ,
  • Fangbo Tao ,
  • Xiang Ren ,
  • Rachel Guan ,
  • Rostyslav Korolov ,
  • Tongtao Zhang ,
  • Dongang Wang ,
  • ,
  • Taylor Cassidy ,
  • Heng Ji ,
  • Shih-fu Chang ,
  • Jiawei Han ,
  • William Wallace ,
  • James Hendler ,
  • Mei Si ,
  • Lance Kaplan

Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Demonstrations |

Published by Association for Computational Linguistics


The sheer volume of unstructured multimedia data (e.g., texts, images, videos) posted on the Web during events of general interest is overwhelming and difficult to distill if seeking information relevant to a particular concern. We have developed a comprehensive system that searches, identifies, organizes and summarizes complex events from multiple data modalities. It also recommends events related to the user’s ongoing search based on previously selected attribute values and dimensions of events being viewed. In this paper we briefly present the algorithms of each component and demonstrate the system’s capabilities.