Microsoft Urban Futures Summer Workshop | Sensors and Data [Day 2]

Day 2 | July 29, 2020

Welcome: Urban Innovation at Microsoft and Project Eclipse | Video | Slides
Scott Counts, Gavin Jancke, & Miriam Berhane Russom, Microsoft

Quantifying urban scale CO2 reductions and related emissions changes during the COVID-19 Shelter in place | Video | Slides
Ron Cohen, University of California, Berkeley

How cities can become smarter: Sensors, edge computing, and the array of things | Video | Slides
Charlie Catlett, University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory

Community air quality sensing: What we’ve learned from calibration and crowdsourcing studies | Video | Slides
Edmund Seto, University of Washington

Using campuses in the Cascadia Corridor to advance smart city innovation | Video | Slides
Jon Fink, Portland State University
