Check your facts and try again: Improving large language models with external knowledge and automated feedback

MSR-TR-2023-46 |

Published by Microsoft

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Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, are able to generate human-like, fluent responses for many downstream tasks, e.g., task-oriented dialog and question answering. However, applying LLMs to real-world, mission-critical applications remains challenging mainly due to their tendency to generate hallucinations and inability to use external knowledge.This paper proposes a LLM-Augmenter system, which augments a black-box LLM with a set of plug-and-play modules. Our system makes the LLM generate responses grounded in consolidated external knowledge, e.g., stored in task-specific databases. It also iteratively revises LLM prompts to improve model responses using feedback generated by utility functions, e.g., the factuality score of a LLM-generated response. The effectiveness of LLM-Augmenter is empirically validated on two types of mission-critical scenarios, task-oriented dialog and open-domain question answering. LLM-Augmenter significantly reduces ChatGPT’s hallucinations without sacrificing the fluency and informativeness of its responses. We make the source code and models publicly available.