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Microsoft Productivity Research

Region: Global

  • Yes, multiple universities can submit a joint/single proposal together. Please clearly indicate in the budget section how the budget, not to exceed $250,000 USD, will be shared.

  • Yes, Microsoft will pay each university directly provided the budget clearly illustrates the amount to be paid to each university with a total not to exceed $250,000 USD.

  • While we will accept multiple proposals from a single university, only one MPR unrestricted gift will be awarded to a single university. To optimize the chances of receiving an award, we encourage researchers from the same university to consider submitting a single, joint proposal (rather than multiple individual proposals) that benefits from their various skills and interests to create the strongest possible proposal.

  • Project timelines should be approximately 12-18 months. They should reflect the total time estimated to complete the research proposed.

  • Yes, proposals must indicate which of the listed research areas will be investigated as part of the proposed research to be eligible for consideration.

  • It would be considered a positive for the proposal to have a researcher in Microsoft who is supportive but we don’t require it or expect it. If a researcher in Microsoft is interested in expressing support for your proposal, they should send an email of support to with the university PI(s) on cc when the proposal is submitted.

  • Yes, proposal budget requests can be of any amount up to $250,000 USD.

  • The budget is part of the seven-page limit. Scholarly references/bibliography can be submitted in addition to the seven pages and will not count toward the seven-page limit but all of the other required components will count toward the seven-page limit.

  • No, letters of support will not count toward the seven-page limit.

  • As long as the full proposal doesn’t exceed seven pages the rest of the section lengths are flexible.

  • No, proposals are not required to or expected to include these resources. They are merely referenced as optional resources.

  • Applicants should request a limited number of specialty devices (low single digits) that are critical to answering the research questions in the proposal.

  • We would be looking for cost-share. This is not a mandatory requirement.

  • We would be looking for contributions that directly support the research efforts here so indirect-costs that cover items such as facilities and infrastructure would not count toward university support/cost-share/in-kind contribution.

  • Since this is not a requirement, there is no expected amount.

  • The funds will be considered a gift that has no restrictions on how it is used.

  • There are no restrictions on how the funds are used. We do request that how the funds will be used is clearly illustrated in the required budget portion of the proposal.

  • There are no restrictions on how the funds are used. We do request that how the funds will be used is clearly illustrated in the required budget portion of the proposal.

  • The proposal budget should reflect your university’s policies toward receiving unrestricted gifts and should emphasize allocation of funds toward completing the research proposed.

  • As unrestricted gifts, it will be entirely up to the winners to decide how to spend the award to achieve the research goals in the proposal.

  • I’m afraid we will not be able to provide access to any data that is not already publicly available.

  • Yes, the results of this research are meant to be open and public for unrestricted use by future researchers and technologists.

  • You are encouraged to assemble a team that is most likely to achieve the greatest results within the time and budget parameters required.

  • Both of these scenarios are valuable. The results of this research will be open and public and so they are meant to drive future research and technology development. More insight on how people work together leading to implications for designs of future tools – though not designed just by Microsoft but others as well that are working in these topic areas would be of interest. However, if you feel you can develop breakthrough prototypes that also inform future research then that would also be interesting.