Microsoft Research Blog

Artifical intelligence

  1. Anna Krystalli from the University of Sheffield (fourth from right) won best poster at the fourth Conference of Research Software Engineering with her poster on pkgreviewr for helping automate the rOpenSci review process for open reproducible research and data access. Microsoft sponsored the first prize for the competition, and pictured with Krystalli is a group from the company (from left): Pashmina Cameron, Kenji Takeda, Camilla Longden, Raluca Georgescu, Matthew Johnson, Tania Allard, and Bhavin Bhagalia.

    Inclusive environments empower big dreams 

    October 1, 2019 | Pashmina Cameron

    Don’t limit yourself. If someone else can do it, you can do it, too. Don’t get comfortable. If doing well is easy, it’s time to challenge yourself. Over the years, these two principles have guided Columbia University PhD student Adji Dieng (opens in new tab)…

  2. Efficient inference for dynamical models using variational autoencoders 

    September 23, 2019 | Neil Dalchau

    Dynamical systems theory provides a mathematical framework for studying how complex systems evolve over time, such as the neurons in our brains, the global climate system, or engineered cells. But predicting how these systems will behave in the future or how they might respond to…

  3. Helping first responders achieve more with autonomous systems and AirSim 

    September 16, 2019 | Ashish Kapoor

    With inputs from: Elizabeth Bondi (Harvard University), Bob DeBortoli (Oregon State University), Balinder Malhi (Microsoft) and Jim Piavis (Microsoft) Autonomous systems have the potential to improve safety for people in dangerous jobs, particularly first responders. However, deploying these systems is a difficult task that requires…