Microsoft Research Blog

Artifical intelligence

  1. Reliability in Reinforcement Learning 

    June 6, 2019 | Romain Laroche

    Reinforcement Learning (RL), much like scaling a 3,000-foot rock face, is about learning to make sequential decisions. The list of potential RL applications is expansive, spanning robotics (drone control), dialogue systems (personal assistants, automated call centers), the game industry (non-player characters, computer AI), treatment design…

  2. a person sitting at a table using a laptop computer

    A phonetic matching made inˈhɛvən 

    June 6, 2019 | Matthew Dixon

    Recently, Microsoft Research Montréal open sourced a phonetic matching component used previously in Maluuba Inc.'s natural language understanding platform. The library contains string comparison utilities that operate on a phoneme level as opposed to a character level. This allows upstream systems to utilize personalized and…

  3. a man standing in front of a building

    Provably efficient reinforcement learning with rich observations 

    June 3, 2019 | Akshay Krishnamurthy

    Reinforcement learning, a machine learning paradigm for sequential decision making, has stormed into the limelight, receiving tremendous attention from both researchers and practitioners. When combined with deep learning, reinforcement learning (RL) has produced impressive empirical results, but the successes to date are limited to simulation…