Microsoft Research Blog

Human-centered computing

  1. Advance Your Presentation with Your Phone 

    November 18, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies Making a business presentation can be daunting. Interaction with the audience might require you to change the flow of your presentation by jumping to a different section in your PowerPoint presentation. Or you might want to show supporting evidence in an…

  2. Touch to Feel the Virtual World 

    July 1, 2013

    Haptic technology, which simulates the sense of touch through tactile feedback mechanisms, has been described as “doing for the sense of touch what computer graphics does for vision.” Haptics are already common in devices such as smartphones, where touch sensations such as clicks and vibrations…

  3. CHI 2013: an Immersive Event 

    April 29, 2013

    Springtime in Paris this year sees the Association for Computing Machinery’s 31st Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in full swing from April 27 through May 2, welcoming experts and students from more than 60 countries. A large contingent of researchers from Microsoft…

  4. Intuitive UIs Featured During UIST 2012 

    October 8, 2012

    By Janie Chang, Writer, Microsoft Research From Oct. 7 to 10 in Cambridge, Mass., Microsoft researchers attending UIST 2012—the 25th Association for Computing Machinery Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology—will be sharing projects and ideas with an international gathering of scientists and practitioners focused…

  5. CHI 2012 Melds Physical and Virtual 

    May 7, 2012

    By Janie Chang, Writer, Microsoft Research From May 5 to 10, the Austin (Texas) Convention Center will be abuzz with workshops, demonstrations, and presentations as 2,500 attendees from more than 40 countries participate in the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM’s) 30th annual Conference on Human…

  6. Top Researchers Inspire Interns 

    August 25, 2011

    By Janie Chang, Writer, Microsoft Research Each summer, Microsoft Research facilities from around the world welcome a fresh crop of interns. Microsoft Research considers the intern program a vital part of its interactions with the academic world, with some facilities increasing their head count by…

  7. CHI ’11: Enhancing the Human Condition 

    May 9, 2011

    By Janie Chang, Writer, Microsoft Research The Association for Computing Machinery’s Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011), being held May 7-12 in Vancouver, British Columbia, provides a showcase of the latest advances in human-computer interaction (HCI). “The ongoing challenge,” says Desney S.…

  8. Remote Meetings: Thinking Inside the Box 

    June 10, 2009

    By Rob Knies, Managing Editor, Microsoft Research George Robertson is taking this meeting seriously. He focuses intently on other participants in the room, making eye contact, noting posture and visual cues, interjecting comments when appropriate. He studies diagrams scrawled onto a whiteboard, and, on occasion,…

  9. Ensuring That Human Values Play a Central Role in Our Digital Future 

    April 2, 2008

    By Rob Knies, Managing Editor, Microsoft Research On March 15-16, 2007, a forum entitled HCI 2020: Human Values in a Digital Age, was held in Sanlúcar la Mayor, Spain, just outside Seville. Its purpose was to gather luminaries in computing, design, social sciences, and philosophy…

  10. CHI 2007: A Matter of Perspiration and Inspiration 

    April 26, 2007

    By Rob Knies, Managing Editor, Microsoft Research The research and academic community is rife with conferences. Just about any subject or discipline you can name has its own annual gathering, where the learned and the innovative come together to discuss their work, review the work…