Microsoft Research Blog

Natural language processing

  1. Maluuba Question Generation video

    Advancing machine comprehension with question generation 

    May 10, 2017

    Microsoft Research Montreal lab's vision is to create machines that can comprehend, reason and communicate with humans. We see a future where humans interact with machines just as they would with another human. We could ask a question in natural language and have the machine…

  2. Microsoft Research Faculty Summit opens 

    July 14, 2016

    By Harold Javid, General Chair, Faculty Summit Microsoft Research’s annual Faculty Summit opened Wednesday with a series of talks about how technological innovation can benefit both business and society. In a fireside chat with Jeannette M. Wing, Microsoft's corporate vice president in charge of the company's basic…

  3. Cloud computing changes the way we practice public speaking 

    June 16, 2016

    By Vani Mandava, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Research People often rank public speaking as the number one fear that they face. New cloud-based technology from researchers at the University of Rochester lets speakers polish and practice at home in front of their computer camera, while the…

  4. Microsoft improves programming flexibility of its AI toolkit 

    June 10, 2016

    By Chris Basoglu, Partner Engineering Manager, Microsoft Technology and Research Earlier this year, Microsoft made its open source Computational Network Toolkit (CNTK), a tool used to speed up advances in artificial intelligence, available on GitHub. Today, with CNTK 1.5, we are adding significant language enhancements,…

  5. Yong Rui wins IEEE Computer Society 2016 Technical Achievement Award 

    February 22, 2016

    By Allison Linn, Senior Writer at Microsoft When Yong Rui first began doing computer vision research in 1995, the Internet was still in its infancy and the idea of using technology to automatically search for images seemed almost absurd. “That [notion] was really quite advanced at the…

  6. Making machines speak like people 

    August 10, 2015

    In the 1999 American film Bicentennial Man, the late Robin Williams played a robot who strives to achieve the physical, social and legal status of a human being. The character’s growing language capabilities—his capacity to communicate fluently with his human family—proved crucial in his quest.…

  7. Recent progress on language and vision: Observations from NAACL and CVPR 2015 

    July 8, 2015

    I recently had the opportunity to attend two interesting conferences, NAACL (North America Association of Computational Linguistics) and CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition). They are top conferences in the fields of natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision, respectively, and traditionally, their audiences are…

  8. Beyond Tapping and Sliding 

    August 5, 2014

    “The way we design computers today,” Microsoft researcher Hong Tan says, “it would seem that people only use their eyes.” Sure, we tap on our device screens, slide our fingertips across the glass, and type on on-screen keyboards. Sometimes, we give voice commands and listen…

  9. Enabling Cross-Lingual Conversations in Real Time 

    May 27, 2014

    Sometimes, a dream needs but a nudge to propel it toward reality. That is exactly what Eric Rudder and Peter Lee delivered to Microsoft’s Machine Translation team about a year ago. Rudder, then Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer, and Lee, head of Microsoft Research,…