Microsoft Research Blog

Research News

  1. Obama discusses innovation and STEM education 

    October 15, 2015

    Christine Clifton-Thornton, senior writer for Research News, asked the President to write an article on STEM education. His response follows. America’s drive to tinker, invent, and push the boundaries of what’s possible sets us apart—and we have a lot to show for it.  Scientific advances,…

  2. GHC open source code-a-thon to benefit humanitarian relief 

    October 13, 2015

    When Vidya Srinivasan returns to the Grace Hopper conference this week, she’ll get a quick answer to her recent tweet about the opening day Code-a-thon—“LOVE #OpenSource?” Affirmations will surely come in the form of the 230 participants signed up for Open Source Day when the…

  3. ICIP 2015: Best Paper Awards 

    October 6, 2015

    Note: Research News has provided links to papers where available. Best Paper Award (first place) Partially Occluded Object Detection by Finding the Visible Features and Parts By Kai Chi Chan, Alper Ayvaci, and Bernd Heisele Best Paper Award (second place) Joint Metal Artifact Reduction and…

  4. UBICOMP 2015: Best paper awards 

    September 7, 2015

    The winners of the best paper award for UBICOMP 2015 go to:   DeepEar: Robust Smartphone Audio Sensing in Unconstrained Acoustic Environments Using Deep Learning by Nicholas Lane, Petko Georgiev, Lorena Qendro Microphones are remarkably powerful sensors of human behavior and context. However, audio sensing is…

  5. The end of Moore’s law? Oh, not again… 

    September 3, 2015

    "Moore's law" is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit will double approximately every two years. For the past 50 years, we have relied on Moore’s Law to provide increasing functionality at faster speeds and lower cost. Cheap, fast, and small…

  6. Hitesh Ballani previews SIGCOMM 2015 

    August 17, 2015

    Sigcomm, the annual mecca for networking researchers, is being held in London this week (August 17-21, 2015). The conference program includes something for all tastes: perennial sessions on wide-area and wireless networks, topics du jour like data centers and software defined networking, and even blasts…

  7. Recent progress on language and vision: Observations from NAACL and CVPR 2015 

    July 8, 2015

    I recently had the opportunity to attend two interesting conferences, NAACL (North America Association of Computational Linguistics) and CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition). They are top conferences in the fields of natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision, respectively, and traditionally, their audiences are…

  8. RankNet: A ranking retrospective 

    July 7, 2015

    In 2004, Microsoft Research and Microsoft’s Web Search team started a joint effort to improve the relevance of our web search results. There followed a sustained effort that, over the next several years, resulted in our shipping three generations of web search ranking algorithms, culminating…

  9. The quantum quest at Microsoft 

    July 6, 2015

    Quantum computing has the potential to utterly overturn what it means to compute. At Microsoft, we have been studying quantum computation since the late nineties with an eye towards a scalable universal quantum computer. Quantum computers compute in a massively parallel fashion with computing power…

  10. Microsoft’s Rick Szeliski previews CVPR 2015 

    June 8, 2015

    I read through some of the papers to be presented at CVPR 2015 this week and noticed interesting trends emerging. The opening session addresses two of the most exciting and active areas of research within computer vision, namely deep learning and modeling from depth cameras. The…