Computer science researchers discuss the future of AI at Academic Research Summit in India


By , Principal Research Program Manager

Leading computer science researchers from India and around the world gather this week in Hyderabad at the Academic Research Summit 2018 to discuss their vision for the future of artificial intelligence and how India-based computer science researchers can help turn that vision into reality.

The Academic Research Summit provides the Indian research community with a common platform to come together and foster collaboration on cutting-edge research. Microsoft Research and the Association for Computing Machinery are co-organizing the summit in partnership with the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad. The theme of the event is Artificial Intelligence: A Future with AI.

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India is at a critical juncture in its evolution as a leader in the information-technology-enabled services industry and home to the largest technical workforce in the world. By building upon this successful infrastructure, India strives to create a vibrant research ecosystem that spurs technology innovation in AI.

India-based academic institutions currently produce about 400 PhDs in computer science per year. There is a critical need to create a vibrant research ecosystem in India where eager young minds can fulfill their quest for knowledge and help lay the foundation for real and sustained innovation.

Around the world, we see evidence that sustained investments in scientific research directly affect a nation’s continued success. Likewise, innovations and inventions have a positive impact on long-term economic growth —indeed, innovation correlates closely with productivity. Also, critical for growth is the participation of academia and industry in research and innovation.

Microsoft Research India has been involved in various efforts to stimulate the computer science research ecosystem in India and to encourage the many students in technical fields to consider careers in research. In addition to the annual Academic Research Summit, Microsoft Research India conducts summer schools and workshops on cutting-edge research areas including IoT and AI, such as the June 2017 Summer Workshop on Artificial Social Intelligence. Often, the faculty and students who attend these workshops continue to collaborate with Microsoft researchers, helping to foster a strong research community. In addition, many researchers from the lab hold adjunct faculty positions in the top technical schools in India where they regularly teach courses. Microsoft Research India firmly believes that a vibrant research ecosystem can make significant contributions to the country’s development and facilitates a healthy talent pipeline that will also benefit Microsoft.

The Academic Research Summit runs January 24 and 25. Highlights from the agenda include keynotes and talks from distinguished researchers from India and around the world. For example, Turing Award winner Raj Reddy’s keynote will provide insights on how AI can serve society, while Eric Horvitz of Microsoft Research will address key issues related to AI and ethics in his talk. The summit will also host sessions on topics related to a future with AI.

Students from India’s premier computer science research institutes will participate in the summit and have opportunities to discuss their research efforts. The summit will also bring together experts from industry research labs and government representatives. The Academic Research Summit 2018 expects approximately 200 attendees from India and abroad.

Learn more about Academic Research Summit 2018

Related: Photos from the summit

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