Computer Vision Takes Center Stage at Moscow Summer School


When is the best time to be in Moscow? For 82 young computer-science researchers, the answer is July 28 to August 3, 2011. Not only is that usually one of summer’s warmest weeks in the Russian capital, it is also the week that the Microsoft Computer Vision School (opens in new tab) will take place at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (opens in new tab).

The school offers advanced undergraduates, doctoral students, young scientists, and developers a unique opportunity to learn from top scientists in the field of computer vision and image analysis. Courses will cover the fundamentals of the field and explore the latest research. The school also provides a great venue for networking, enabling the students to establish connections with each other and the school lecturers.
Offering lectures, practical sessions, poster presentations, and a programming project, the Microsoft Computer Vision School aims to:

  • Foster the development of a stronger computer-vision community in the region by introducing young scientists from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine to some of the world’s foremost computer scientists
  • Encourage young scientists to continue their research in the field by using the state-of-the art methods and tools—including those from Microsoft Research—which will be discussed during the lectures
  • Highlight the depth and breadth of the field by offering a wide variety of lectures—from beginner to advanced levels and from theoretical to practical—including a discussion devoted to computer vision start-ups

 The Microsoft Research Computer Vision School 2011 will be held at Lomonosov Moscow State University (opens in new tab)


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This episode features Senior Principal Research Manager Ahmed H. Awadallah, whose work improving the efficiency of large-scale AI models and efforts to help move advancements in the space from research to practice have put him at the forefront of this new era of AI.

The Microsoft Research Computer Vision School 2011 will be held at Lomonosov Moscow State University

The Microsoft Computer Vision School is sponsored by Microsoft Research and organized in cooperation with Lomonosov Moscow State University. It follows the highly successful MIDAS 2010 (opens in new tab) and HPC 2009 (opens in new tab) schools and represents another of the many collaborative efforts between Microsoft Research Connections and the world’s top academic institutions.

Competition for admission to the school was particularly intense. The number of registrations at the school website exceeded 500, and the overall acceptance rate was fewer than 20 percent. Many of the applications were exceptionally strong, which made the decision process extremely difficult. The 82 admitted students come from 32 cities in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus and represent 48 academic institutions and companies. They, and we, are looking forward to a stimulating, information-packed experience—and maybe a few warm evenings in Red Square.
Fabrizio Gagliardi (opens in new tab), Director, Microsoft Research Connections EMEA (Europe, the Middle-East, and Africa)

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