Microsoft Research and the Kinect Effect


Today (November 4) is the first anniversary of the launch of Kinect for Xbox 360 (opens in new tab) in the United States, with subsequent availability around the world. It has been a smashing success since its debut, thanks in part to contributions from Microsoft Research to its audio, skeletal-tracking, and facial-recognition capabilities. And further refinements could mean the best is yet to come.

Kinect for Xbox 360 has been a smashing success since its debut a year ago.Kinect for Xbox 360 has been a smashing success since its debut a year ago.

For more on this, we have collated a resource page of stories, videos, publications, and other information, all easily accessible in one place at Microsoft Research Contributions to Kinect for Xbox 360 (opens in new tab).

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Microsoft Research Connections (opens in new tab) continues its focus on helping getting the word out about the Kinect for Windows SDK beta (opens in new tab). Some of the results of this are starting to be shown through showcases such as the Kinect projects gallery (opens in new tab) at Channel 9. There are more than 100 entries shown there at the time of writing.

Microsoft built Kinect to revolutionize the way you play games and how you experience entertainment. But along the way, people started using Kinect in ways we never imagined. From helping children with autism, to helping doctors in the operating room, people are taking Kinect beyond games. And that’s what we call the Kinect Effect (opens in new tab).

What will you do with Kinect next? See the future of possibilities of Kinect that go beyond the expected, into truly amazing things that people around the world are beginning to imagine. 



Released today: download the Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2 (opens in new tab) now!

Stewart Tansley (opens in new tab), Director of Natural User Interface, Microsoft Research Connections

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