Microsoft Research Blog

Computer Science Students Aid Ecological Field Work

December 12, 2012
Plant biologists in Brazil are working to develop a better understanding of tropical ecosystems—how they work and how they impact climate change, not only in the region, but worldwide. These researchers are dedicated and disciplined. They’re in the field from dawn to dusk, working through…
  1. Computer Science Students Aid Ecological Field Work 

    December 12, 2012

    Plant biologists in Brazil are working to develop a better understanding of tropical ecosystems—how they work and how they impact climate change, not only in the region, but worldwide. These researchers are dedicated and disciplined. They’re in the field from dawn to dusk, working through…

  2. New Tools Simplify Data Mining 

    December 10, 2012

    In this era of big data, researchers are relying more and more on data mining to help them with their research. Researchers from nearly every field (not to mention businesses from almost every sector) are slicing, dicing, and sifting an exponentially growing mass of data,…

  3. Four from Microsoft Research Named IEEE Fellows 

    December 7, 2012

    Posted by Rob Knies In this, the 100th anniversary of what is now known as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)  Fellow program, four computer scientists from Microsoft Research have joined the annals of illustrious individuals who have attained the grade of IEEE…

  4. Narwhal Helps Developers Visualize Data in WorldWide Telescope 

    December 6, 2012

    First to explain… no, there is no time. Let me sum up: you are a scientist with complex geospatial data visualization challenges. We at Microsoft Research have a solution for you and we’re enhancing this through the release of a software library called Narwhal. (We…

  5. Low-Energy GPS Sensing Looms Large 

    December 4, 2012

    Location sensing has become ubiquitous—it’s present every time you turn on your smartphone or engage your car’s navigation system. It’s also become critical to a variety of outdoors and remote research applications, such as wildlife tracking, participatory environmental sensing, and personal health and wellness monitoring.…

  6. Take Socl for a Spin 

    December 4, 2012

    Posted by Lili Cheng   As you may know, Socl began as an experiment in social search for students and learning. Over the past several months, we’ve watched Socl evolve into a place where people connect over shared interests expressed through beautiful post collages.We appreciate…

  7. Helping Pregnant Women Avoid Anemia 

    December 4, 2012

    Posted by Rob Knies India has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. The nation also has a staggeringly high child mortality rate—about 46 of every thousand births result in death.It doesn’t have to be that way. Anemia during pregnancy plays a…

  8. EPA Cooperative R&D: Technology for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration 

    December 3, 2012

    “Despite its size, Puget Sound is ecologically delicate; and while its symptoms of trouble are not easily visible, they are undeniable and getting worse.” —The Puget Sound Partnership We at Microsoft Research Connections have begun work on a cooperative research and development (R&D) project with…

  9. Battling TB Using Microsoft Technology 

    December 3, 2012

    By Microsoft News Center Giri Prasad, a 33-year-old tailor who lives in Delhi, first noticed the pain below his ribs. He went to see a doctor, but when it didn’t subside, he traveled to the hospital where he eventually learned he had tuberculosis. “There were…

  10. TouchDevelop in Your Browser 

    November 30, 2012

    Are you looking for a little extra cash for the upcoming holidays? Then you might be interested in creating some cool apps to sell in the Windows Store. Or maybe you’re simply curious and want to try your hand at developing for Windows 8 and…

  11. Predicting the Effects of Changes on Living Systems 

    November 28, 2012

    Can scientists predict what happens when they introduce a change into a living system—for example, if they change the structure of a gene or administer a drug? Just as changing one letter can completely change the meaning of a word, the change of a single…

  12. Chinese Edition of “The Fourth Paradigm” Released 

    November 19, 2012

    Over the past two years, I have watched eScience take root in China. The movement advanced in the first and second Chinese eScience forums and in various eScience projects that were developed by the Computer Network Information Center (CNIC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences…

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