Microsoft Research Blog

Buildings Go Green…in the Cloud

March 22, 2013
As I listened to U.S. President Barack Obama’s second inaugural address in January, I was struck by the emphasis he placed on addressing global climate change and the need for clean energy. “The path toward sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult,” the…
  1. Buildings Go Green…in the Cloud 

    March 22, 2013

    As I listened to U.S. President Barack Obama’s second inaugural address in January, I was struck by the emphasis he placed on addressing global climate change and the need for clean energy. “The path toward sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult,” the…

  2. Kinect Fusion Boosts Kinect for Windows SDK Update 

    March 21, 2013

    On Monday, March 18, 2013, Microsoft rolled out the latest release of the Kinect for Windows software development kit (SDK). This represents the largest update to the technology since the SDK was first commercially released in February last year, and it includes the Kinect Fusion…

  3. H(app)athon Project: Smiles Sure to Ensue 

    March 20, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies What makes you happy? Mary Czerwinski is performing some research on that very topic.Czerwinski, a principal researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond and manager of the Visualization and Interaction for Business and Entertainment Research Group, is participating on the committee for The…

  4. Computerworld Honors Microsoft Research for Breakthroughs in Pneumonia and HIV 

    March 19, 2013

    Today is a proud day for Microsoft Research Connections and our academic collaborators, as two of our research efforts have been named 2013 IDG's Computerworld Honors Program Laureates. The Computerworld Honors program, founded in 1988, recognizes organizations and individuals who have used information technology to…

  5. ChronoZoom Named Top Educational Resource at 2013 SXSW Interactive 

    March 13, 2013

    When Microsoft Research teamed up with the University of California Berkeley to create a digital tool for exploring the history of everything, we knew we had the potential to build a killer educational app. After all, a tool that can reveal the cross-currents of history,…

  6. SXSW Interactive Hall of Fame Inducts danah boyd 

    March 13, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies It’s no surprise, really, that danah boyd, senior researcher at Microsoft Research New England, has been named the second inductee into the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival Hall of Fame.After all, boyd has established herself as one of the world’s…

  7. Seeing Your World Through a Different Light 

    March 8, 2013

    As the saying goes: everything is bigger in Texas. And coming this weekend, March 8 to 10, there will be a couple of Texas-sized telescopes at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival in Austin. Housed in the mammoth NASA Experience Tent, a wall-sized display…

  8. Taking Science from the Specific to the General 

    March 7, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies You might have heard of Drew Purves before. As head of the Computational Ecology and Environmental Science Group at Microsoft Research Cambridge, he has gained attention for a number of his projects, from modeling forest dynamics to FetchClimate, that use big…

  9. Melding the Physical and the Virtual with Big Data 

    March 7, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies Many businesses and individuals talk a mean game about how they’re changing the world, catering to customer demands, delivering bold new user experiences.And why not? It’s easy. Such claims rarely are held accountable. They’re easy to twist into whatever direction is…

  10. TechFest 2013: The Home Version 

    March 6, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies Perhaps you’re engrossed in the ongoing enthusiasm and enlightenment that is TechFest 2013, but, for whatever reason, you aren’t able to participate in person. Never fear—we are delighted to offer you the next best thing to being here.Presenting the TechFest 2013…

  11. PhD Fellow Revels in TechFest Experience 

    March 6, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies Among the most engrossed attendees of the first day of TechFest 2013 had to be this year’s class of Microsoft Research PhD fellows, who received an invitation to the event by virtue of their selection to the program. The fellows are…

  12. A New, Addictive Way to Search 

    March 5, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies For those who have upgraded to Windows 8, here’s a beguiling project featured during TechFest 2013. Called Making Smooth Topical Connections on Touch Devices, it offers an alternate, graphical way to mine, browse, and search through a database.The documents within the…

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