Microsoft Research Blog

Rashid: an Era of Data, Devices, and Services

March 5, 2013
Posted by Rob Knies TechFest 2013 began promptly at 9 a.m. March 5 in the Kodiak Room of the Microsoft Conference Center with a keynote address by Rick Rashid, Microsoft chief research officer and head of Microsoft Research. Rashid discussed the present-day shift toward more…
  1. Rashid: an Era of Data, Devices, and Services 

    March 5, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies TechFest 2013 began promptly at 9 a.m. March 5 in the Kodiak Room of the Microsoft Conference Center with a keynote address by Rick Rashid, Microsoft chief research officer and head of Microsoft Research. Rashid discussed the present-day shift toward more…

  2. Machine Learning + Real-Time Data: Food for Thought 

    March 5, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies Welcome to TechFest 2013, Microsoft Research’s annual tech showcase featuring many new, fascinating projects that point toward the future of computing.Over the next couple of days, we’ll be shining a light on some of the high-profile projects being shown during the…

  3. Wing Surveys Her New Opportunity 

    February 28, 2013

    By Rob Knies, Managing Editor, Microsoft Research When Jeannette Wing joined Microsoft Research in January 2013 as a Microsoft vice president and head of Microsoft Research International, in charge of Microsoft Research’s non-U.S. labs, she brought with her a sterling set of credentials. She had…

  4. Image Debugging for Visual Studio 

    February 27, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies Setting an objective is often the first step to achieving it. Case in point: Image Watch.Image Watch is a Visual Studio 2012 plug-in from the Interactive Visual Media (IVM) group at Microsoft Research Redmond. The tool enables anyone building image-processing applications…

  5. Computing Research and Education: Microsoft Discusses Investments in the Future 

    February 18, 2013

    Posted by Elizabeth Grossman, Technology Policy Group, Microsoft Many of the amazing capabilities of technology today are made possible by research done years ago, and innovations and impact sometimes result from unexpected combinations and outcomes at unexpected times. One example is Kinect for Xbox 360,…

  6. Women Students Compete at Worldwide Hackathon 

    February 18, 2013

    Engineers Week: it takes place every February, a celebration of accomplishments in mechanical, civil, chemical, and biomedical engineering. Why, I wonder, do we hear so little about the breakthroughs powered by computer and information sciences?  And why do we almost never hear about the importance…

  7. And the Oscar Goes to … 

    February 13, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies Last year, David Rothschild of Microsoft Research New York City used a versatile, data-driven model to predict correctly the results of the U.S. presidential election in 50 of 51 jurisdictions—the nation’s 50 states and the District of Columbia.Given the overwhelming accuracy—better…

  8. Flash Fill Gives Excel a Smart Charge 

    February 12, 2013

    By Douglas Gantenbein, Senior Writer, Microsoft News Center In December 2009, Sumit Gulwani, a senior researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond, was flying home from a seminar after presenting his work devising ways to synthesize complex pieces of code. Sitting next to him was a businesswoman.…

  9. Innovators Wanted 

    February 8, 2013

    I WANT YOU…. Anyone who grew up in the United States, as I did, is familiar with the famous World War II recruiting poster of Uncle Sam exhorting young Americans to enlist in the armed forces. (No, I wasn’t alive then, but the poster is…

  10. Celebrating Excellence at POPL 2013 

    February 5, 2013

    Arrivederci, Roma: As the 40th ACM Principles of Programming Languages conference (POPL 2013) drew to a close on Friday, January 25, 2013, I was struck by how much it was a celebration of excellence, and I was pleased that Microsoft Research could play a big…

  11. BLINK … and You Won’t Miss a Thing 

    February 4, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies You’ve no doubt experienced that sinking feeling—we all have—after taking a photo and realizing that you pressed the shutter release just a bit too late. The moment is gone, the action elusive, the opportunity squandered. It’s frustrating, but what can you…

  12. On Helium and Chocolate 

    February 1, 2013

    Powerful Research Tools Shared at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting We love our jobs at Microsoft Research, and a big part of that is about how much we love physics and technology. And chocolate. Consider: if you place helium in a (well-made) bag and…

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