Microsoft Research Blog

Microsoft Windows

  1. Platform for Situated Intelligence Framework 

    November 12, 2023 | Dan Bohus, Sean Andrist, Nick Saw, and Ann Paradiso

    \psi (Platform for Situated Intelligence) is an open-source, extensible framework that accelerates development and research of multimodal, integrative AI systems. The platform consists of three layers. The Runtime layer provides a parallel programming model centered around temporal streams of data, and enables easy development of…

  2. InnerEye-DICOM-RT 

    April 13, 2021 | Javier Alvarez-Valle

    InnerEye-DICOM-RT contains tools to convert medical datasets in NIFTI format to DICOM-RT. Datasets converted using this tool can be consumed directly by InnerEye-DeepLearning. Most of the work is done by a .NET Core 2.1 project in RTConvert, written in C#. There is a very lightweight…

  3. EverParse 

    March 5, 2021 | Tahina Ramananandro

    EverParse is a framework for automatically generating fully verified secure parsers from data format specifications described in domain-specific languages. It consists of a verified F* combinator library, and untrusted frontends compiling from data format specifications to verified parsing combinators.

  4. Netherite Execution Engine for Durable Functions 

    December 9, 2020 | Sebastian Burckhardt

    Netherite is a storage execution engine for the Durable Task and Durable Functions frameworks. It is designed to achieve higher throughput and lower latency than previous implementations. It contains several architectural innovations and optimizations that were developed as a collaboration between MSR and the Azure…

  5. Sepsis Cohort from MIMIC III 

    December 5, 2020

    This repo provides code for generating the sepsis cohort from MIMIC III dataset. Our main goal is to facilitate reproducibility of results in the literature.

  6. InnerEye-CreateDataset 

    September 28, 2020 | Shruthi Bannur

    InnerEye-CreateDataset contains tools to convert medical datasets in DICOM-RT format to NIFTI. Datasets converted using this tool can be consumed directly by InnerEye-DeepLearning.

  7. DiskANN 

    August 31, 2020 | Harsha Simhadri

    This release contains the code for the DiskANN algorithm that enables scalable and efficient ANNS indices. DiskANN uses primarily uses an SSD-based index to scale to an order of magnitude more points compared to in-memory indices, while retaining high QPS and low latency. The graph…

  8. Web Demonstration and Explanation Dataset 

    May 8, 2020

    This data was collected for and used in our ACL 2020 paper that demonstrates the potential to effectively combine explanations and demonstrations to learn web-based procedures. This data consists of 520 explanations and corresponding demonstrations of web-based tasks from the Mini Word-of-Bits.

  9. Kuku 

    March 9, 2020 | Hamed Khanpour and Kim Laine

    Kuku is a simple open-source (MIT licensed) cuckoo hashing library developed by the Cryptography and Privacy Research group at Microsoft. Kuku is written in modern standard C++ and has no external dependencies, making it easy to compile and run in many different environments.