Microsoft Research Blog

Microsoft Research

  1. Microsoft Research Project Hawaii Launches New Cloud Services 

    January 27, 2011

    Innovations in wireless networking technology are driving our increasingly connected world, with smartphones gaining acceptance for both professional and private use. In the future, we foresee a vast majority of smartphone apps relying on cloud services to enhance the mobile experiences. Project Hawaii, a research…

  2. Join the Microsoft Biology Foundation v2.0 Development Preview 

    January 5, 2011

    You may be familiar with the Microsoft Biology Foundation (MBF), an open source bioinformatics .NET library that is designed to provide core functionality for genomics research from commonly-used file parsers to algorithms and web connectors. We're pleased to announce that we are continuing to invest…

  3. Colombian Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Established 

    January 4, 2011

    As we approached the holiday season in Colombia, we had already received one of the biggest gifts on our wish-list: on November 12, the government of Colombia officially committed to the establishment of the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in the city of Manizales,…

  4. Virtual Fire System Aids Firefighters in Wildfire Combat and Prevention 

    December 21, 2010

    —Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche, Research Program Manager, External Research division of Microsoft Research, Cambridge When a wildfire strikes, every second counts. Time lost can all too often be measured in lost life, deforestation, and property damage. Enter the Virtual Fire application, based on Microsoft Bing Maps, ESRI…

  5. Amplifying the Computer Science Education Message 

    December 17, 2010

    In case you missed it, there was a great deal of passion expressed last week regarding the state of computer science education in our society. There were outreach efforts, programs highlighted, and a number of online discussions that ensued—overall, some really impressive growth in activity…

  6. Computer Science Education Week Spotlights the Needs in U.S. Schools 

    December 6, 2010

    As computer-science researchers, we at Microsoft Research are committed to strong computer-science education programs. With more than 800 researchers worldwide, we know firsthand the value of a solid computer-science education, which is why Microsoft Research is a proud supporter of the second annual Computer Science…