Microsoft Research Blog


  1. How Search Can Help in a Medical Crisis 

    May 8, 2014

    Posted by Rob Knies One day, a woman named Lisa is walking her dog, Lucky, when she meets an elderly neighbor. Suddenly, the neighbor falls unconscious and stops breathing.What would you do in this scenario? These days, many people’s initial reaction would be to reach…

  2. Preserving Latin America’s Wildlife 

    April 22, 2013 In the late 1800s, the guanaco, a close relative of the llama, was hunted to near extinction. As we mark this year’s Earth Day (April 22), I want to share my excitement about a new tool that looks to make the future a little…

  3. TouchDevelop in Your Browser 

    November 30, 2012

    Are you looking for a little extra cash for the upcoming holidays? Then you might be interested in creating some cool apps to sell in the Windows Store. Or maybe you’re simply curious and want to try your hand at developing for Windows 8 and…

  4. The Cloud Rains More Services on Project Hawaii 

    June 19, 2012

    What do you think of when you hear "Hawaii"? Colorful shirts, hula dancers, mai tais on a sunny beach? Well, all those things are nice, but they can’t hold a candle to the goodies that are coming out of Microsoft Research’s Project Hawaii, which extends…

  5. TouchDevelop a Hit with Students 

    May 22, 2012

    If you visit the University of Washington (UW), you’ll likely see students glued to their smartphones. That’s not surprising—smartphones seem to be everywhere now, and for students, these “computers in your pocket” have become constant digital companions. But on May 4–5, some UW students were…

  6. From Smartphone to Smart Home: Automating the Modern Home 

    April 26, 2012

    For baby boomers who grew up watching The Jetsons, the idea of the fully automated home was the futuristic stuff of cartoons. Today, the technology is available to make a Jetsonesque home a reality, by using inexpensive network devices that remotely control locks, lights, thermostats,…

  7. Bringing the Cloud to a Smartphone Near You 

    July 18, 2011

    One of the coolest things about working in Microsoft Research is the opportunity to see what bright students can do with cutting-edge technology. Project Hawaii is a perfect example. This project, which began in January 2010, offers students the opportunity to explore how the cloud…

  8. Squeeze the Screen 

    October 27, 2004

    By Suzanne Ross, Writer, Microsoft Research If you've never seen some of the ingenious ways that researchers have invented to make viewing data on a small screen easy, you might say, "I'll never do all my computing on a PDA or Smartphone." You might concede…