Microsoft Research Blog

software development

  1. Bosque programming language code sample

    Creating the Future of Software Development 

    May 26, 2021

    “If you think about the world that we’re in now, software plays a key role in our lives – in everything we do. And at the core of solving big problems and fundamental challenges is the ability to use software to attack the problem and…

  2. Developers Get Even More Productive 

    August 19, 2014

    Posted by Rob Knies Back in February, a post on this blog introduced Bing Code Search, a project to deliver new tools to save developers time and to make software development easier.Youssef Hamadi of Microsoft Research served as spokesman for his end of a collaboration…

  3. Bing Code Search Makes Developers More Productive 

    February 17, 2014

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies Some people, it seems, are simply born to be computer-science researchers.Take Youssef Hamadi, for example. Earlier this week, he was asked a question about challenges he had encountered during a research project. His response began by sharing this revealing nugget:“As…

  4. Science Fairgoers to See 3-D Humans Digitized in Real Time 

    June 7, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies The changes wrought by technology in recent years is nothing short of astounding. First, music became digitized. Now, it’s video, in all its forms. That data can be stored, comfortably and effectively, in the cloud. And many of us walk around…

  5. Realizing Practical Benefits from Research 

    May 20, 2013

    In the age of big data, the challenge is no longer how to collect or store vast quantities of data—it’s how to make sense of it and use it for practical benefit. Scientific researchers, governmental agencies, nonprofits, and businesses of all sizes are among those…

  6. Creating Better Software for Next-Generation Computer Architectures 

    October 17, 2011

    Computers are everywhere, controlling everything from phones and traffic lights to airplanes and buildings. And inside each computer is software: line after line of complex code that tells the program, and any attached hardware, what to do. It’s amazing how the world has come to…

  7. Exploding Software-Engineering Myths 

    October 7, 2009

    By Janie Chang, Writer, Microsoft Research At Microsoft Research, there are computer scientists and mathematicians who live in a world of theory and abstractions. Then there is Nachi Nagappan, who was on loan to the Windows development group for a year while building a triage…

  8. Indian Team Applies Rigor to Solving Software Challenges 

    September 12, 2007

    By Rob Knies, Managing Editor, Microsoft Research For Sriram Rajamani, the opportunity to work on improving software performance for Microsoft Research has been a productive, rewarding experience. And getting a chance to do so while stationed in his native India has been a rare privilege.…

  9. Spec#: Producing High-Quality Software 

    August 14, 2007

    By Rob Knies, Managing Editor, Microsoft Research Modern-day software development is notoriously challenging. Programs have become highly complex. Customer expectations have never been higher. Meeting quality standards is increasingly difficult. Challenging, yes. Difficult, perhaps. But such hurdles are not insurmountable, as Spec# demonstrates. Spec#, available…