photo of Mila student and Microsoft Montreal lab exterior

Microsoft Research & Mila

Mila student support

Mila Diversity Scholarship

Microsoft Research is a proud supporter and contributor to the annual Mila Diversity Scholarship that aims to aims to increase the pipeline of diverse talent receiving advanced degrees in computer science for doctoral students who are underrepresented in the field of computing. For more information visit the Mila website (opens in new tab).

Mila Student Part-Time

To support and deepen our relationship with the next generation of researchers from Mila, the Microsoft Research Montreal lab offers to hire students as part-time contractors for those who seek to collaborate on an ongoing basis with our researchers throughout the entire year. For more information about this opportunity, please reach out to a researcher in the Montreal lab.

Compute Resources

Microsoft is proud to support the faculty and students of Mila with Azure compute resources to assist in the pursuit of advancing state-of-the-art computing research.