June 18, 2011 - June 30, 2011

The 2011 Summer School on Security and Privacy

Location: Bangalore, India

Venue: Materials Research Center (MRC) Auditorium
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

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India Schools

The goal of this summer school was to provide a forum for learning and discussing all aspects of computer and communication security, including foundational topics as well as cutting-edge research on network security, database security, and program security. The summer school also touched on topics in data security and user privacy. Theoreticians and practitioners from academia, government, and industry from across the globe conducted tutorials, presented lectures, and participated in panel discussions on open problems that are related to security and privacy concerns in society.

The school focused on building a strong foundation for students who are new to the field by balancing formal methods with practical aspects of ensuring security and privacy. Specific topics included the formalization of security and privacy properties, practical aspects of deploying security solutions across networks and federated systems (including clouds), analysis of programs for information flow security, logic for access control, network security issues such as intrusion detection, identification and prevention of malware, formal analysis of cryptographic protocols and implementations, and important privacy-preserving techniques.



Support from Indian Institute of Science and Microsoft Research India

  • N. Balakrishnan (opens in new tab), Associate Director, Indian Institute of Science
  • Vidya Natampally, Director of Strategy, Microsoft Research India
  • Ashwani Sharma, Program Manager, Research Connections, Microsoft Research India