AI Summer School 2018
July 2, 2018 - July 6, 2018

AI Summer School 2018

Location: Microsoft Research Cambridge

Monday, July 2

Time Session Speaker
14:00 Registration
15:00 Welcome to Microsoft Research Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche, Microsoft Research
15:30 Deep Learning Tutorial I Ryota Tomioka, Microsoft Research
17:00 Welcome Reception
18:00 Coach Transfer: Microsoft Research to Selwyn College

Tuesday, July 3

Time Session Speaker
08:45 Coach Transfer: Selwyn College to Microsoft Research
09:30 Causality I Chair:
Sebastian Nowozin, Microsoft Research
Joris Mooij, University of Amsterdam
10:45 Morning Break
11:15 Causality II Chair:
Sebastian Nowozin, Microsoft Research
Jonas Peters, University of Copenhagen
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Fitting Models to Data: Accuracy, Speed, Robustness Andrew Fitzgibbon, Microsoft Research
14:30 How to Give a Great Research Talk Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research
15:30 Afternoon Break
16:00 Deep Learning Tutorial II Alex Gaunt, Microsoft Research
Sebastian Nowozin, Microsoft Research
18:00 Walk to The Granta for Evening Social Event
18:30 Riverside Pub and Punt at The Granta
Note: there will be no transportation to Selwyn College at the end of this Evening Activity

Wednesday, July 4

Time Session Speaker
08:15 Coach Transfer: Selwyn College to Microsoft Research
09:00 Using Ethical Principles to Inform Industry Solutions Jacquelyn Krones, Microsoft Redmond
10:00 Morning Break
10:30 The Human Consequences of AI Chair:
Richard Banks, Microsoft Research
Ewa Luger, University of Edinburgh
Simone Stumpf, City, University of London
Marina Jirotka, University of Oxford
12:30 Lunch
13:30 AI Through the Looking Glass Dame Wendy Hall, University of Southampton
14:40 Model-Based Machine Learning Session Christopher Bishop, Microsoft Research
15:40 Demofest including Afternoon Refreshments
17:30 Walk to Downing College for Evening Dinner
18:15 Reception Drinks and Games on the Lawn, Group Photo
19:30 Formal Dinner at Downing College
22:00 Coach Transfer: Downing College to Selwyn College

Thursday, July 5

Time Session Speaker
08:15 Coach Transfer: Selwyn College to Microsoft Research
09:00 Higher Definition Healthcare with AI Iain Buchan, Microsoft Research
09:45 Predicting Cancer Response using In Silico Mechanistic Models Jasmin Fisher, Microsoft Research
10:30 Morning Break
11:00 Automating the Design of Predictive Models for Clinical Risk and Prognosis Mihaela van der Schaar, University of Oxford
11:45 An Oncologist’s Guide to using Machine Learning for Cancer Therapy Rajesh Jena, Microsoft Research
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Intelligent Machines Hermann Hauser, Amadeus Capital Partners
14:30 Afternoon Break
15:00 Reinforcement Learning Chair:
Noboru Kuno (Sean), Microsoft Research
Shimon Whiteson, University of Oxford
Arthur Juliani, Unity Technologies
Katja Hofmann, Microsoft Research
17:00 Poster Session including Drinks and Snacks
18:30 Coach Transfer: Microsoft Research to Selwyn College

Friday, July 6

Time Session Speaker
08:45 Coach Transfer: Selwyn College to Microsoft Research
09:30 Transparent AI using Trusted Hardware Kapil Vaswani, Microsoft Research
10:15 Security and Privacy in Machine Learning Nicolas Papernot, Pennsylvania State University
11:00 Morning Break
11:30 How to Write a Great Research Paper Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research
12:30 AI Summer School Closes | Grab-and-Go Lunch