December 16, 2013

Computational Aspects of Biological Information 2013


Location: Cambridge, MA

The following posters will be presented at CABI 2013:

  • A tunable coarse-grained model for ligand-receptor interaction. Teresa Ruiz-Herrero, Javier Estrada, Raúl Guantes, David G. Míguez.
  • Going the distance for protein function prediction. Mengfei Cao, Hao Zhang, Jisoo Park, Noah Daniels, Mark Crovella, Lenore Cowen, Benjamin Hescott.
  • Got a way to extract those one thousand words from your images? Tiao Xie, Hunter Elliott, Joy Yichao Xu.
  • Position-specific effects of codon choice in an essential gene. Eric Kelsic, Hattie Chung, Harris Wang, Roy Kishony.
  • PathSeq: Computational tool to identify or discover microbes by deep sequencing of human tissue. Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu, Akinyemi I Ojesina, Joonil Jung, Aleksandar D Kostic, Ami Bhatt, Samuel Freeman, Fujiko Duke, Peter Carr, Gad Getz, Matthew Meyerson.
  • Genecentric: A package to uncover graph-theoretic structure in high-throughput epistasis data. Andrew Gallant, Mark D.M. Leiserson, Maxim Kachalov, Lenore J. Cowen, Benjamin J. Hescott.
  • Different RTK ligands induce heterogeneous FOXO3a translocation dynamics. Somponnat Sampattavanich*, Bernhard Kramer*, John G. Albeck, Peter K. Sorger.
  • Analysis of Chromatin State Plasticity Identifies Cell-type Specific Regulators of H3K27me3 Patterns. Luca Pinello, Jian Xu, Stuart H. Orkin*, Guo-Cheng Yuan*.
  • Analysis of Complex Variants From High‐Throughput DNA Sequencing Data. Layla Oesper, Gryte Satas, Max Song, Simone Dantas, Benjamin J. Raphael.
  • Inferring Dynamic Signatures of Microbes in Complex Host Ecosystems. Georg K. Gerber, Andrew Onderdonk, Lynn Bry.
  • RNA folding pathways and kinetics using 2D energy grids. Evan Senter, Ivan Dotu, Peter Clote.
  • GenomeSpace: An Environment for Frictionless Bioinformatics. Barbara Hill Meyers, Michael Reich, Ted Liefeld, Marco Ocana, Dongkeun Jang, Jon Bistline, James Robinson, Peter Carr, Nathalie Pochet, Diego Borges-Rivera, Thorin Tabor, Helga Thorvaldsdóttir, Aviv Regev, Jill P Mesirov.
  • A Randomized Approach to Fast Read Processing. Roy Lederman.
  • Knowledge based bioinformatics methods for understanding the genetic architecture of Complex Diseases. Alper Uzun, Andrew Dewan, Bethany Mcgonnigal, James Padbury.
  • Predicting xenobiotic transformations through human cytochrome P450. Mona Yousofshahi, Sara Manteiga, Charmian Wu, Kyongbum Lee, Soha Hassoun.
  • TILSH: A Method to Detect Interchromosomal Translocations and Interchromosomal Insertions using Sliding Window Fingerprints and Locality Sensitive Hashing. Roshanak Farhoodi, Nurit Haspel, Rohith Kotla, Jennifer Rosen, Dan Simovici, Rosanne Vetro, David Weisman.
  • Dendrix++: A Probabilistic Method for Identifying Mutated Driver Pathways in Cancer. Mark DM Leiserson, Hsin-Ta Wu, Vivian Hsiao, Fabio Vandin, Benjamin J. Raphael.
  • Improving the accuracy and performance of robust pipelines for genetic variation calling from NGS data. GSA-GATK Team @ Broad Institute.
  • Using a Population Genome Graph Reference for Sequence Alignment & Genotyping Structural Variants. Deniz Kural, Gabor Marth.
  • RNAiFold: A constraint programming algorithm for RNA inverse folding and molecular design. Juan Antonio Garcia Martin, Ivan Dotu, Peter Clote.
  • Massively Parallel Model of Cardiovascular Hemodynamics. Amanda Randles, Erik Draeger, Efthimios Kaxiras, Franziska Michor.
  • Patient stratification in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) using a mixture of experts model. Raghavendra Hosur, Suzanne Szak, Jadwiga Bienkowska.

* Equal contribution